When you are looking for a job, you need to acquire whatever skills that you can get your hands on in order to get a leg up on the competition. Having a variety of valuable skills is very important. One skill that you may not really have put a lot of thought into learning, is becoming proficient with Microsoft Excel. This is a program that is incredibly useful in most industries, which is exactly why you need to learn everything you can about this program. Havin advanced expertise with Excel makes you far more valuable to a company, than those who have only a basic knowledge about the program.
Microsoft Excel is easily one of the most commonly used programs in the business world. It is a highly versatile program that has complex capabilities, some of which help make many important decisions in companies all over the globe. However, there have been some studies by Microsoft that report that only around 5% to 10% of employees know how to use all the complex features of Excel. This is exactly the reason why not only can you have an easier time finding a job with an extensive knowledge of the program, but also you will likely get paid more for having this valuable knowledge. Whether you are going into accounting, marketing, or anything in between, having advanced knowledge of Excel will make you a more valuable commodity.
Why is Excel so important? That’s because Excel has become an incredible resource that has been shown to be highly-utilized by all businesses. Even as technology has advanced, Excel has stood the test of time because it can be used for a variety of things including managing budgets, analyzing data, and forecasting and modeling a company’s financial performance. These are the very reasons why this is such an essential tool, especially when it comes to accounting and the finance industry in general. Around 80% of all the mid-level jobs require Excel skills as a basic requirement for employment.
To take a closer look at this, here is an example of a job where having knowledge of Excel can help. A management consultant can earn around $70,000 a year. They are responsible for helping people with developing business strategies that minimize costs and maximize your revenue. To do this, they need to take a very close look at your business’ data to figure out what issues the company has in order to help them become a better business. Excel offers a great way to collect this data and take a closer look at it. This is just one example of a career where understanding Excel is a necessity.
Some people underestimate just how important knowing how to use Excel can really be for their career. If you are having difficulty finding a job or want to find a way to improve your situation, you should learn all of the ins and outs of Excel.
You will be more likely to get hired and are statistically more likely to get paid more when you have knowledge of Excel. It will take some work, but it is well worth it because you will become a valuable asset to your company.