Get a "Virtual Proposal"
If you are considering Excel training, we have a novel concept that we think you will really like. It’s called our “Virtual Proposal.”
Our “Virtual Proposal” is a personalized video presentation that will outline specifically what one of our Excel seminars can do for you and your company. We’ll even will give you exact pricing/quotes, information, and everything else you and your people will need in order to make a decision.
Simply fill out the short questionnaire below, and that will give us all the information that we need to put together a “Virtual Proposal” for you.
Caution: We Make The Training Selection Process
Unbelievably Easy For You!!
If you’ve spent time in the business world, you’ve probably grown accustomed to companies who come to offices and give a product/service proposal.
These companies like to put their best foot forward with a comprehensive presentation, but many times scheduling a presentation and getting all the necessary people involved together in one room can be a little bit of a hassle – more effort than some people are wanting to exert. And remember our goal at Atlanta Excel Training is to make the whole Excel training process as effortless as we can for you.
Our “Virtual Proposal” will make things much easier for you. You’ll be able to take your time and show the video to whichever decision-makers you need to show it to – along with all the information you/they need. Then everyone can mull it over (at their own comfortable pace) and decide whether or not to move forward with Excel training.