When a training coordinator books an Excel seminar with Atlanta Excel training they are often times unprepared for what’s in store for them. Because after the seminar they are typically swamped with excellent reviews/feedback they get from the attendees, and the positive buzz that permeates through to the ears of executives with the company. There are also several other reasons why they’ll the be the big hero:
How Training Coordinators Typically Become “Big Heroes”
with Atlanta Excel Training
They’ll become a big hero to the company because our Excel seminars are not only inexpensive, but also will make your company thousands of dollars in improved productivity.
They’ll become a big hero to the employees because they’ll finally learn about solutions to their Excel problems – making their work much easier. Employees LOVE our Excel training!
They’ll become a big hero to departments because Excel seminars have a unique way of spilling positive solutions into other business areas. Caution: Our Excel training may cause collaboration and teamwork to skyrocket.
What Is an Excel Seminar By Atlanta Excel Training Like?
Before the Excel seminar, we’ll ask about your company’s (and employees’) specific needs. Much of the information that’s covered in our seminars will be core Excel knowledge – that all companies and employees will need to learn (they’ll use this info all the time). But we will also spend time focusing on specialized content that will solve specific sticking points with your company’s Excel files.
``For the cost of training about five people offsite, Atlanta Excel Training will come to your office and train your entire department. And the seminar will be effortless, customized, inexpensive, and entertaining. Guaranteed.``
We Offer 2 Excel Seminars
Core Concepts Seminar
The Core Concepts class is a great basic to intermediate course that will teach your department very popular Excel techniques. Some of the topics covered include:
- Excel Elements
- Templates
- Quick Access Toolbar
- Workbook Types
- Windowing Worksheets
- Entering Data
- AutoFill
- Advanced Formatting
- Creating Formulas
- Absolute Referencing
- Using Functions
- Paste Special
- List Management
- Creating Charts
- Sparklines
- Printing Setup
- Custom Lists
- Consolidating Workbooks
- Freeze Panes
- Cell Styles
- Removing Duplicates
- Format as Table
- Quick Analysis Tool
- Spreadsheet Graphics
- Cell References
- Database Functions
- Creating Macros
- Shortcuts
- Shortcuts
- MORE Shortcuts
Advanced Seminar
The Advanced Class will take your Excel knowledge to the next level by unveiling Excel’s most powerful features and business scenarios. Some of the topics covered include:
- Naming Ranges
- Advanced Filters
- DFunctions
- Subtotals
- Text Functions
- Concatenation
- Text to Columns
- Pivot Tables
- Pivot Charts
- Pivot Table Slicers
- PowerPivot
- Worksheet Protection
- Goal Seek
- Data Validation
- Formula Auditing
- VLookups
- Tracing Precedents
- Logical Functions
- Financial Functions
- Statistical Functions
- Table Functions
- Conditional Formatting
- Scenario Manager
- Scenario Summary
- Command Buttons
- Creating Macros
- Editing Macros
- Visual Basic Editing
- FlashFill
- MORE Shortcuts
Who Else Is A “Bargain Shopper”??
If you’re a bargain shopper, and do a lot of comparing before you buy (and most people do by the way), then you’ll be excited to learn that investing in our in-house Excel training is the most cost-effective way to train your employees. The price of sending employees individually to similar training at public seminars would end up costing 4 to 5 times the cost-per-person of doing in-house training. And this training will be conveniently done right in your own office!
An added benefit is that your employees will get better training because the Excel seminar will be geared towards providing solutions to the specific problems at your company, as opposed to a big hodgepodge of questions that will be raised at a public Excel seminar.
“What about Atlanta Excel Training’s price compared to the price of our competition?”
It’s our business to know the training business. And part of that knowledge is knowing what other companies charge. At AET we don’t want price to be a concern for our clients so that’s why we’ve made sure that…
We’re less than ½ the price of other national seminar companies.
Some of Our Clients
Most Of Our Work Is Providing On-Site Excel Seminars, But We Also Do…
We Help Maximize Your Already Purchased Investment
You’ll find that the majority of American companies spend a lot of money on computers and software for their company. And most of these computers have the Microsoft Excel software installed on them. The investment in those computers and software was made to provide solutions for the company. But having Excel installed doesn’t ensure that employees are using the software to its fullest potential.
In fact, if you surveyed your employees they would probably admit that they know they are only scratching the surface of Microsoft Excel’s powerful capabilities.
In a one-day training class we can systematically “train and explain” how to use all these underutilized capabilities that are “lying dormant” in your Excel software.
We’ll show you on how to “wake up” this sleeping Excel giant and give you the tools to really improve your business productivity with the computers and software that you already own.
In seminar after seminar, one of the biggest comments we get from attendees is “I had no idea that Excel could do that!” We promise that your employees will be saying that same phrase after our seminar.
We Give You Amazing Training at A Phenomenal Price
We know that training budgets for companies come in all shapes and sizes. Some big companies seem to have money “growing on trees” while other smaller companies do not. Because of that factor we know that cost can be a big factor for many businesses, and a great price will allow you to get “more training” within your training budget. FYI – Even the big companies like great seminar prices – enabling them to stretch their training budget.
What Attendees Are Saying
Wow, it was an amazing two days of Excel! We had no idea of how out of shape our Excel files were. Learning about Pivot Tables has given us new power over our customer database.
I am astonished at how much Excel knowledge I was able to pick up from your seminar. I can tell that our office productivity has increased enormously from the techniques that we covered.
This was one of the best training experiences I’ve had in years. In your seminar you talk about becoming an “Excel Superstar,” and I definitely think that I’m on my way to becoming one.
Thinking of Getting Some Training???
We’ll Give You a “Virtual Proposal”!
If you think that your company would benefit from some exceptional Excel Training, click the link below to go to our proposal page. We’ll put together a personalized “video proposal” for you! This video proposal will answer all your questions, and give you all the details (including pricing) that you need to make a decision.